My sister, Ruthanne and her family have been in town from Oregon for almost 2 weeks now. When we were growing up and even when we lived together as roomies for a year in Provo, we fought all the time. Its amazing how things work out though. We get along great when we don't live together. In fact, I think my other two sisters have kind of paired off in a suportive sisterly relationship keeping in close contact and enjoying sisterly conversation. I must say I feel a special bond with Ruthanne that I never would have imagined having. Her son is the 2nd from the right and I must say he is the cutest. My sister is a great mom. I have a ton of respect for her. I'm also really excited because as soon as she leaves here, she is going to pack up her home in Vancouver and move to Boise. She'll only be a few hours from me in Provo and I'm so excited. I have a place to go for holidays that will have the same traditions that I have. The other kids are great too and my sister Ginney is a great mom too. I'm just feeling especially attached to Ruthanne since I haven't seen her in over a year. Anyways, families are amazing especially sisters...actually, my brothers...well I'lll write one about them another day.
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