My brother D-Rock finished his application for BYZOO a few weeks ago. I told him that if he logged in to Route Y, he might see some new additions if he had been admitted. He called me the other day and said, "there's stuff on there I haven't seen before." I replied, with a kind of nervous pause, "Send me your login and I'll tell you if I find anything". In a few moments I was logged in and checking out his stuff. Under the personal information section I saw "admitted undergraduate - Fall 2006". I called him back and told him he was in.
It's pretty exciting to know I'll have a brother up there with me. Even though Amelia has family in Provo, I would still have to work on the whole BRT thing. I've already done that with Derrick, and spent the better part of 17 years doing it. He knows my blanky was red with soccer players, and I know his was light blue with cuddly bears. It's nice knowing I'll have a buddy close who shares those kinds of bonds.
What is "BRT thing"? After you tell me I'm probably gonna say, "oh, I'm a dummy," but I can't figure it out at the moment.
building relationships of trust. It's a missionary term.
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