Thursday, June 29, 2006
Today, Jonah finally saw a doctor here. He has reflux and thrush...still. We got some new meds and I can't believe how cool his doctor is. This guy was great. Tonight we had Elizabeth and Chad and Logan over for dinner and watermelon. Yum.

Jonah lounging around.
Logan...I mean Batman sucking on his paci.
Daddy playing with Jonah.
Momma sucking her finger?!?!
Sunday, June 04, 2006
The Great Outdoors
Jonah hates being inside. If he starts to scream, we go outside and he stops. We've been doing a lot of things outside as a result. Tiring him out so as soon as he is inside he's out like a light.
Jordan and Jonah hiking around in Rock Canyon.

Jonah's first picnic. This was up Provo Canyon by Bridal Veil Falls.

Bridal Veil Falls, Jonah and Amelia