Sunday, August 27, 2006

We're In

We completed another move yesterday. And as successful and painless as it was, I would say it was almost as efficient as our last move. We woke up early and had the ball rollin by 8am. Then, we were pretty much done by 3pm. In between it all, we used the UHAUL to help a friend move out of his apartment. That added a little bit of stress for me but it was a good deed and that seemed to remove any cares.

All of that is pretty amazing when you consider that 2 weeks ago, we had no idea we were moving. Early this year when were making plans we said, "we'll move into Wymount, then look for cheaper housing." Well, when we got up here all of a sudden it seemed as if we were content being where we were. We liked the ward, our neighbors, and the location. The only concerns we had were that rent was increasing, our income would decrease when school would start, and we didn't know if we would break even on our moneys by the end of the year.

Amelia had been looking for cheaper and better housing, and when we got a call that something was available through Provo City Housing, it was as if we had this flood of good luck. All of a sudden money started coming out of the wood work, we found an apartment (the one we're in) that was just dazzling. So we acted on it all. It wasn't until a few days ago when I remembered how carefully we had planned out the year and felt good about it all. It's amazing when you make a plan with the Lord, forget about it, and then it still comes to pass 6 to 8 months later...


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