The Earthquake of 1906
Recently there was an article on newsnet about writing the crazy things down that you hear your professors say. Usually I skip writing down all my geology professor's crazy stories, and just tell them to Amelia. But on wednesday he put something up there that I couldn't resist writing down.
During our discussion on earthquakes, Dr. Kubicek brought up the San Francisco earthquake of 1906, and said that there were over 900 deaths as a result. However, he mentioned that it was unusual so many died because it occurred at 5:30am in the morning. I thought, "ok, big deal." Then he said, "Only half of them were caused by the earthquake. I'll give you 20 guesses, and bet you won't guess it." So we started shooting stuff out there.
"Bad water?"
Then, to all of our astonishment, he writes this on the chalkboard:
Really? Yes, really.
I once had a linguistics teacher who said the most bizarre things. A couple friends and I started composing a list of ridiculous quotes. He was just weird. We'd always snicker in the back of the classroom when he'd say something ridiculous and we'd write it down. At the end of the semester, another student approached us and asked if we'd been keeping a list of weird things he said. We said that we had been, and she pulled out a list that she'd also been keeping. On the last day of class, we did a presentation to the class: A linguistical study of our teacher and the things he's said. He loved it, actually.
I checked out the wikipedia link. Crazy.
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