Sunday, April 02, 2006


Yesterday was quite eventful. I woke up early in the morning hearing the loud sounds of Amelia throwing up. I rushed to the bathroom and helped her out. This scene occurred several times that morning. Around 10 or 11, Amelia called a nurse's hotline to see if what medications she could take to help with the stomach flu. The nurse asked Amelia question after question about the cold chills, the incision from the c-section, and then said, "Well, I'm not even going to ask about the vomitting. You need to go to the E.R... Now." So, after the first 3 talks of conference we were on our way to the hospital.

I have never waited in an emergency room. There are a few things you should know about the waiting room at the E.R if you've never been.

1. After registration, you'll probably wait anywhere from 4 to 6 hours to finally see a physician (at least at Irving's Baylor hospital. I heard someone say yesterday it takes anywhere from 12-16 hours to be admitted at Dallas' Parkland hospital.)
2. There is lots of crazy things to behold. I've never had a harder time minding my own business.
3. On Saturdays, TV Land plays episode after episode of Bonanza. They're all worth watching.

Needless to say, our E.R experience was probably like many others who get told to go in, who probably don't need to. I'm becoming more and more skeptical of doctors.

PS: Our visit would not have been as easy without the help of Amelia's parents coming in and watching Jonah. He was pretty good himself, but they all managed to exhibit extreme amounts of patience; for which I will be ever grateful.


At 3:20 PM, Blogger bedelia said...

For a person who doesn't like to take advil, this has been a very traumitizing month. dr's appointments every week, for me or Jonah, a surgery, an ER visit, and more prescriptions lying around the house than i can count...actually, there's 5. I'll be glad when everything slows down...too bad I'm planning to move cross-country in a few weeks.

At 10:17 PM, Blogger Christen said...

Yep, I hate ERs... I never count on getting out of there in under 5 hours. So, HOW IS AMELIA!?! Did the vomiting really have to do with the C-section?

At 1:51 PM, Blogger Jordy said...

No... it was just viral. I think I brough the flu home!


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