Job Hunting
I'm a natural planner. It's a quality that couples itself with my "ruthless practicality". With a big change taking place soon, it's expected that I would take to my inate habits and start forecasting what kind of employment is available in Utah County. It's been disappointing; not because of the type of work, or the pay, or even the schedules. Job hunting just womps.
I have plenty of ideas for why I don't like job hunting. Here's a list:
- I have to sell myself (figuratively speaking)
- Finding a job is like working a full time job without pay
- My new wage is likely to be lower than your previous one
- I have to wear knit shirts
- I have to wear knit shirts w/ khakis or slacks
- It's all hype
- Do you ever really know what you're getting into?
With all that said, it's enough to warrant that I won't get a job because of my attitude. Well, job hunting is all the more reason to exercise faith. It's an opportunity to push through troubles and fears, and ask the Lord for some help.
Job hunting is a funny convention because it's mutually deceptive. Both you and your employer know that you're not being anything like you naturally are, and consequently the entire experience is based upon false impressions- AND BOTH YOU AND YOUR BOSS KNOW IT.
Yet we still cherish it and observe it. Very strange.
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