Well, I've been wanting to run a marathon since November of 2004. That's long time. I would have run the Cowtown Marathon in February of 2005 but I got strep twice right before and couldn't maintain the level of training I needed. And I figured, "There's always next year." However, I got married and well I was 8.5 months pregnant at the time of the Cowtown Marathon of 2006. I decided, "Being in labor for 12 hrs and then getting my guts cut open for a c-section and then trying to take care of a newborn is a marathon in itself." However, 2007 is going to be my 26.2 mile marathon year. I figure its gonna take a while for me to get back in shape. Now I just have to figure out when I'm gonna be running around while I've got jonah to look after. I'm thinking my sister is going to be a great babysitter once I get up to Utah though. Or I've got to get me one of those jogging strollers. I'm sure Jonah will love seeing the miles fly by as I train for my next marathon.
What an awesome goal, Amelia! Good luck!!! Oh and thanks for the heads up about the ice cream. I didn't make it downtown today, but that would have been sweet.
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