Thursday, April 20, 2006

Pearls Before Swine

Have you ever been in a situation where you wanted to help someone, but it didn't seem like the right thing to do? Rather it seemed better to let the person just plow through their own problems? I have.

I'm sitting in the computer lab this morning, when 3 people come up to use the two computers next to me. The girl plops down and drops her keys on the table. Her key chain, loaded with trinkets, reminded me the girls in 3rd grade who collected gobs of Ann Frank pencils and erasers.

They started talking about a history test they had taken. I saw the book they were using, heard their derision of the instructor and assumed they had the instructor I did-Dr. Romero. I didn't really want to talk to them. The girl sitting next to me sounded like she was just having a temper tantrum, but out of pity for how hard the class was I asked her, "What class are ya'll in?"

"History with docta Romero", replies the girl next to me.
"1301?", I ask.
The girl looks back at me with a sort of appreciation and says, "Yeaaa". I then gave them my condolences and said it was hard for me too. She replied, "Yeaa, we got a 56 on our last test. Now we find out she's pullin' queshtions from tha webbsite. That's bull honky!" (I inserted honky. She said something else.)

She went on this rant about how her group had been jipped on their grade, not because they didn't know about the website but because Dr. Romero pulled questions from the online quizzes. What I got from her personality was that she was going to complain about the class no matter what the bad grade was she got, or she was going to flaunt good grades in other people's faces. Doesn't make sense does it.

I wanted to help them. I checked my gmail to make sure I still had my lectures notes in that class. I found them and looked over them, enjoying the pristine work I had completed almost a year ago. I wanted to share it with them, but as the girl kept going on about not knowing about the website and cursing the teacher my desire to help wandered off. It felt like casting my pearls before swine (Matt 7:6). The idea to not share my notes solidified when I heard her whisper to her buddies not to share the knowledge they had of the online quizzes with anyone else. I ended up not talking to them anymore, and hoping they failed the class anyway.

Sorry. That's how this blog ends.


At 9:56 PM, Blogger bedelia said...

I'm glad you didn't give them anything. I for one believe that people should do their own work. Anything else is cheating.


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