Thursday, July 20, 2006

Odds and Ends

1. I've been eating lots of bbq flavored sunflower seeds.
2. I forgot that I have Otterpops in the fridge at work.
3. I was told that I shouldn't use the word "hate" by the production director of 570 KLIF. This was in reference to my use of the word in this e-mail:

I'm so glad Dr. Laura isn't on 570 Klif anymore. I hated her show. Thanks for making this station much better.


4. I'm not even in Texas, but I can stream the station on the internet.
5. Jonah is eating rice cereal. We're wondering whether or not he's allergic to it.
6. Does anyone else besides me watch 'The Office'?
7. I have to go get some Otter Pops.


At 12:26 PM, Blogger Christen said...

Jordan- Mike WORSHIPS The Office! I enjoy it a little as well, but in no way worship the show. Oh, and Otter Pops are the best summer treat.


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