Thursday, February 23, 2006

I should have planned better for this...

While we wait for Jonah to be born, I often think about the eternities and my new responsibilities concerning them. Having kids is a "life" situation, not a death one. And so it makes me think about everything. But drawing my thoughts around this merry event seems to leave out all the day to day things that make life roll smoothly.

For example, lunches. Yesterday we spent a solid half hour in wal-mart working out a car seat situation. I knew we were running low on decent breakfast food so we bought some cereal. This morning, before I scarrfed my Reese's Puffs, I realized that we had hardly anything to eat with a lunch. PB&J, tortilla chips, and fruit snacks. We had no left overs, and no fruit (a commodity I usually have on hand). After breakfast I started making my lunch, and all I ended up with was this: a packet of instant peach flavored oatmeal, pb&j sandwich, fruit snacks, and a frozen corn dog. Suffice it to say, my accountant type personality put my costs before my health and made me eat everything I brought to work. It was sick.

Hopefully, when you're about to have your kids you're able to concentrate on everything you have on your plate. Otherwise, you might be scronging around at the last minute to meet your needs.


At 1:08 PM, Blogger bedelia said...

Just think of it as having had breakfast, lunch and dinner all in one meal. Yummy!


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