A 24 hour wail

When Amelia woke up yesterday one of the first things she said to me was, "I'm hungry." I asked her what she wanted and she said something like graham crackers sounded good. But she had eaten all of those so I had to go through the cupboard to find something suitable for her taste. Reeses' Puffs Cereal was the only thing I could find that I thought fit the description. I brought it to her in a cup and she ate a little bit.
Throughout the day Jonah just cried his head off. Amelia told me that he would cry, poop, sleep for 10 minutes, wake up, cry, poop, and sleep for 10 minutes. The process repeated itself over and over until 12:30 or 1am this morning.
We didn't know what it was and tried everything to find out. Nothing seemed to work. It wasn't until about 11 last night that Amelia had an idea. She said, "Jordy. I think it was the Reeses' Puffs. They have chocolate in them." REESES' PUFFS? I had heard that nursing moms aren't supposed to eat chocolate, and if that was really the cause of Jonah's discomfort then I know why nursing mom's can't eat chocolate. Some might say it was something else, but really that's the only thing that makes sense.
Some people say that if you don't know why your baby is crying, then they are "colicky". All that means is that the parent hasn't been able to determine the cause of the screaming. I'm not much of a believer in the idea that kids, especially infants, scream just for fun. There is a reason for everything.
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