Friday, February 24, 2006


Another appointment has come and gone. My doctor actually freaked me out this time. Usually, I blow her off because I think she's drug happy. However, today she started talking about how the baby is 8.5 lbs already, and how he might be too big to come out if we don't induce. She talked about c-sections. She plans on having me go to the hospital Sunday night and start the induction process. I however, don't know that I'll be there Sunday night. I told her that and she set it up so that I have to call if I'm not going to be there. I'm hoping, praying I start having contractions so that I don't have to worry anymore about what is the right thing to do.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

I should have planned better for this...

While we wait for Jonah to be born, I often think about the eternities and my new responsibilities concerning them. Having kids is a "life" situation, not a death one. And so it makes me think about everything. But drawing my thoughts around this merry event seems to leave out all the day to day things that make life roll smoothly.

For example, lunches. Yesterday we spent a solid half hour in wal-mart working out a car seat situation. I knew we were running low on decent breakfast food so we bought some cereal. This morning, before I scarrfed my Reese's Puffs, I realized that we had hardly anything to eat with a lunch. PB&J, tortilla chips, and fruit snacks. We had no left overs, and no fruit (a commodity I usually have on hand). After breakfast I started making my lunch, and all I ended up with was this: a packet of instant peach flavored oatmeal, pb&j sandwich, fruit snacks, and a frozen corn dog. Suffice it to say, my accountant type personality put my costs before my health and made me eat everything I brought to work. It was sick.

Hopefully, when you're about to have your kids you're able to concentrate on everything you have on your plate. Otherwise, you might be scronging around at the last minute to meet your needs.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006


Yesterday, I realized that I'm chronically bored. People tell me to make sure I get my rest but I think I'm getting too much. Since we only have one car, I don't get out much because Jordan has it for work and school. Pretty much, I sit around watching day-time tv. Yesterday, Jordan got home early because he doesn't work mondays and his class got out early. As he studied, I complained about being bored. He suggested lots of stuff to do around the house. Then he suggested we go to my parent's house. I was so excited to get out of the house I started to cry. Anyways, I can't wait to have this kid because at least I won't be bored anymore. I keep telling him to listen to his mother and come out but he's not been very obedient. Oh well, I guess it'll happen soon enough.

Saturday, February 18, 2006


So the past week or so has been busy, primarily because I've made it so. Example: Thursday was the day after the dr's reported due date. It made me frantic, so I tried getting everything done possible that I could. Homework, tests in the testing center, etc... it's kind of like the last minute rush before Christmas. You just want to be prepared and have something good for the person you love; in this case, Jonah. However, you never know when "christmas" is, so you expend all your energy trying to get ready for this untimed event. I don't know if any of you go through what I go through on Christmas eve. You go to bed, but you just never seem to fall asleep because you're so anxious. It's like that right now that we're this close to the end.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Post Due date and Counting

Well, the doctor said, "when do you want to induce?" I was surprised by this because she never asked if I wanted to be induced. As I reacted slowly she continued her onslaught of questions. "What day do you want to do it?" "We can't do it on a weekend?" "How about monday at 6?" Finally, I was able to spit out, "I don't want to be induced." Since I plan to do this birthing thing all natural, I'm continuing to find it difficult to like my doctor who is so drug-happy, I wonder if she should be on the streets and not a doctor. The thing I find most disturbing is that everyone that sees her will most likely end up drug happy too. Drugs aren't bad but the lady doesn't even give me the option. I don't even think I'm due until the 17...I know its only 2 days but on top of that from my research, I've found that the first-baby is usually later than the due date. On top of that, all of my sisters and my mom have said most of their babies were later than due date from a day or two up to 10 days. Anyways, I AM ready to get this kid out but I'm willing to let a higher authority decide when, and not some doctor who doesn't care a lick if I'm drugged to high heaven.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

A Valentine Haiku For My Lovely Bride

Heart Shaped Cookies,Yum!
Just with you I make a sum.
Love Your Valentine!

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Creepy Old Guyz

When my family moved to Texas my mom picked up a job throwing newspapers from her car in the middle of the night. She would get a call anywhere from 10 to 2am, telling her that papers were ready to pick up in town. After getting the call, she would leave the house without a sound and return before sun rise.

In the summer of 2000, I took up her paper route for a week or two while she went somewhere I can't remember. One night during the week, around 3 am, I slowly turn onto a street where I see an old guy standing in his yard wearing p.j's. I thought, "Wow, this guy must really want his paper." I never saw the guy move. Was he sleep walking? Was he crazy? I never found out. I told my mom about it and she said she had seen him out there all the time.

Anyway, watch out for old guys who stand in their yard in the middle of the night.

Monday, February 06, 2006

The Library

Jordan is looking at a kit of sample rocks for his geology class and I'm dinking around on the internet. This is the most uncomfortable seat ever. I'm starting to get hungry and out of the 50 rocks, it only looks like he has notes written on 10...we've been here an hour. Maybe I'll have to find a vending machine.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Elevator Issues

Yesterday, I went to the doc. (No news. I've still got 2 weeks left.) I walk in the front doors and can see the elevators directly in front of me. I see that a girl pushes the up button and almost immediately the doors open. She got on and I sped up my waddle to get there in time. The door didn't even start to close before I got there. But there are 2 doctors in the back of the elevator, and a hispanic family of three in the front. I kind of squeeze in between the girl that just got on and the family to get to the middle of the was a big one so it could fit a hospital bed/ gurney if need be. So the hispanic lady mumbles under her breath something tacky about how many more people need to get on the elevator and starts furiously pushing at the buttons trying to get the door to close. I'm kind of staring at her in shock plus she has the lowest cut shirt on ever and cleavage is just falling out. She knows it too, because she keeps tugging at it. (Her son and husband are looking bashful and staring at the floor.) Apparently and luckily, I wasn't the only one staring in a state of shock. The girl that got on right before me was too. The lady looks and her and with a load of attitude says, "What?" The elevator beeped and opened right about then and the girl said something like, "sorry you're having such a bad day." The boobie lady hollers back, "It wasn't bad until I saw you." I wanted to holler at the lady, "First of all, put on a shirt that covers your boobs. And maybe next time, you should take the stairs. And pushing the button 2o times in a row doesn't make it go any faster." Needless to say, I was glad to get off that elevator.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

2 Weeks Left

Jonah will be born any time within the next month. We'll make sure we notify the blogging world after the delivery, and post plenty of pictures.

Today I had the opportunity to sit outside my school library on a bench for a solid hour. At one point I saw a girl wearing these pants and smoking. She was giving someone directions and for a moment, I pictured her wearing some sort of business casual clothing helping people out at some sort of semi-important job, and doing very well at it. It was like I saw a vision of this person fulfilling their potential instead of growing old in hot topic fashion. Sorry that was so anti-climatic. It was just an observation.